Products and services

Our goal is to help you take your business to the next level.

We offer customized business solutions, from implementation services to the activation of any of our products, which allow you to automate and optimize your operation with the Dynamics 365 ecosystem.

Empower your organization with one of our comprehensive services


Our team focuses on working closely with clients to ensure fast and efficient implementation of business solutions. From planning to execution, we make sure those who choose us get the most value from their technology investment and have ongoing development and support services to ensure their growth.

Assessment and migrations

We help you evaluate and understand the opportunities, benefits, and costs of migrating to Dynamics 365 to ensure success in your project.

Our Assessments:

Solution Training

We understand that the success of an implementation is the training of the key users of the solution, which is why we offer a personalized and continuous training service. These services may be part of our implementation, or purchased independently, for the purpose of empowering users in the Microsoft ecosystem. We make sure users fully understand the use of solutions by providing outstanding service experience.

Created by us, used by everyone

Business Central Express

Business Central Express is the fast and efficient solution for all SMEs that are committed to digital transformation.

BC Express’ standardized and pre-configured package includes accounting, sales, purchasing, tax, inventory and treasury modules. With the possibility of adding additional modules in a second stage after implementation.

It includes the localization for Argentina, since for the moment, it is only available for that country. We are working to expand its reach in the future.

The solution is designed to reduce implementation time and cost: while a traditional project takes 6 months, Business Central Express is implemented in just one month and for as little as $1,000.

Localis 365 / Multi-Country Localization

The localization of a management system is the process of adapting a product so that it is compatible with the legal regulations of the country of destination, including language and accounting and tax legislation.

Localis 365 is the first and only solution that contemplates the tax requirements of the entire Latin American region for Dynamics 365 Finance and Business Central, minimizing time, resources and the learning curve, without modifying its functionalities.

Learn more on the site

Invoicing 365 / Billing

The integration of electronic receipts is one of the challenges that customers must face when
implement an ERP in most of the countries of
Latin America. For this reason we created our solution for issuing ELECTRONIC RECEIPTS for LATAM.

It is natively integrated into LOCALIS 365.

It works both in BUSINESS CENTRAL and in D365 FINANCE.

Learn more on the site

Banking 365

Unified, multi-country, multi-bank and multi-technology payment and interaction platform with banks.

Solves the integration with the different banks, avoiding the development and construction of the requirement within the ERP system, deploying only the first time, an entity extension package which is 100% configurable.

The platform is designed for Dynamics 365 Finance, Localis 365, and Business Central.

Citizen Attention

Solution dedicated to the Attention of Municipalities and Public Organizations that provide services to the citizen.

AW Citizen Attention introduces a data and management model designed exclusively to resolve common procedures and procedures in a district.

Industry accelerator

Our accelerators are designed to expedite, in a specialized way, the implementation processes adapting the solutions to each specific industry.

One of the main ones is the Accelerator for the financial industry in Latam, it allows a faster and more efficient implementation of technological solutions to meet the specific needs of the industry, resolving a deep understanding of the language and local terminology.


Ponemos a disposición de Partners y Clientes, especialistas altamente capacitados para abordar tus necesidades. Trabajando juntos, podrás aprovechar todas las oportunidades de negocio que se presenten, independientemente de la dimensión del proyecto y de la capacidad de recursos que tengas.